Thursday, November 26, 2009

thanksgiving list

Original ideas: (in no particular order)
- Musicals - which combine my love of a good story with the language of music and produce a reminiscence rarely felt by anything else.
- lemon flavored clover grass - which apparently grows everywhere. =) (charlynn, i know you know what i'm talking about...)
- friends who write me - it keeps me from feeling completely isolated here
- dad's sermons on my ipod
- my roommates, whom i will miss dearly when i go to site.
- a language that provides me with the availability to speak in details, explain, classify, and mark myself as elite by vocabulary (that would be English)
- skin that doesn't hurt when it burns, and fades to a nice brown
- memories of previous holidays and the people i spent them with.
- family that is determined to be supportive - nuclear And extended!
- a cast iron stomach
- a boyfriend who is committed to protecting me and can get my dad to throw his hands up and say "wheeee!" for the first time. ever.
- the ability to let days run together so i'm never quite sure how long i've been here
(december already? seriously?)
- my pictures of snow
- for having a personal relationship with Christ, through which I can experience God's grace and blessings - especially peace of heart.

** 24 hours after i wrote this, my ipod wiped itself. so that knocks off 2 things at the very least. still have a lot to be thankful for. =)

Things I will forever be grateful for IN the US.
- running water
- a plethora of books
- reliable electricity
- juice
- clean water
- the availability of Fine Arts (except in CO, which doesn't have any)
- immediate availability of pretty much everything
- cream cheese (maggie got some smoked oysters that she gave to me, but it's not the same without the cream cheese...)
- exposure to multiple cultures in a small area
- people who speak English
- people who listen to the same music i do
- band-aids

we are making a huge feast tonight! i will share what i can type up in 15 minutes next time I get on. sorry - no more large blogs. can't risk sticking the jump drive between computers anymore.
hope y'all are eating great food for me! like chocolate pie!


1 comment:

Ryan and Gena said...

Happy Thanksgiving from NH!