Wednesday, December 16, 2009

attempt at wireless

We’re going to try and use the wireless interwebs. Maybe I can upload the blog and update Jen’s security at the same time.

Today is Wednesday, 16 December 2009. where has the time gone!! I’m a little happy that it doesn’t seem like 11 weeks. I mean, that’s an entire NCC trimester. Including finals. I have mailed 11 letters, 2 christmas letters, and 2 christmas cards. I have read close to 15 books (stopped counting), done 8 loads of laundry (by hand!), beaten Donkey Kong, drawn 3 real pictures and 2 crap ones. I have read 5 prophets and all the proverbs (and most of the psalms) twice. Tonight, Michelle and I will gather to pray for the third time. I know how to light a fire with charcoal and cook beans (I hope). At least I know I have rice down (thanks dad!).
On the flip side, due to the global postal system, I have only received one letter from home. I know the others are on their way, and I can’t WAIT to see them. =)

I am looking at a sheet of paper that says “congratulations! We recommend you to be a PC Rwanda volunteer”. Last Friday, we all trekked out to the basketball court on the field next door where our teachers had drawn a huge map of Rwanda and they placed us in our districts. I am in the north in Gicumbi with Jenn and Scott, and Michelle and Penny are just to the west. I’m working at a school with a very small population of secondary students.
Saturday, we took our final evaluation and Language proficiency exam. Passed. Exceptional on the Education and cross culture sections.
Monday we received more details about our housing. I know mine is pink. =) and it’s connected to a store front run by a man who works for World Vision. Hoping that means at least Some electricity. I know my bathroom, shower, and kitchen are all outside in the backyard. Ntakibazo – no problem. From Kigali, I take a bus to the nearest large town and then a motorcycle taxi to my house. I think my school is about 2.5 kilometers from my house, so I will either walk to ride my bike every day (depends on how hilly it is)

Tomorrow morning we go into Kigali and sort out bank accounts. Friday we walk around pre-pricing items and exploring Kigali. I might go with Michelle to meet some friends of hers. Saturday is swear in at the Ambassador’s house, and then Saturday night we are being thrown a party. By the USMC. Apparently, the PCVs hang out with the Marines all the time. Sunday and Monday are shopping days. PC have trunks ready for us and then they will truck all our stuff back to Nyanza with us on Tuesday. We will stay here through Christmas, and then PC will start driving us to sites on the 27th. Where we will sit for a month+ until school starts some time in February.
I fully intend to hire a language tutor (funded by PC) and re-learn French. And practice more drawing. Maybe start a garden? I might need some seeds for that… maybe write a book. Learn how to cook, and meet all my neighbors.

Tonight, we are having our Secret Santa gift exchange. PCVs and LCFs – should be fun. I think dinner might be something special too, since it’s our last night together. We also got our shirts today – black t-shirt, PC logo and flag on the sleeve, says Peace Corps Rwanda with a map on the front right chest with the colors of the Rwanda flag, and
I ♥ English
You ♥ English
He/She ♥ English
We ♥ English
You ♥ English
They ♥ English

On the back. Ps. ^ those are hearts if they don’t translate correctly.

Ok, I think I’m all caught up now. Going to sit outside the Cyber and see how long this takes to upload. Hopefully, this weekend will include pictures!! =)

Love you guys!

1 comment:

Maja K said...

I <3 Charissa
He/She <3 Charissa
We <3 Charissa
They<3 Charissa