Thursday, December 3, 2009

good gifts

just in case you ever get the urge to send me a package, here are somethings i could probably use at any given point in time:

- anything you can put in water
ie. hot chocolate, apple cider, powdered gatorade, TANG, ramen noodles, insta-meals (lipton noodles, etc), flavored oatmeal packets, easy-mac, etc...
- anything to write with
black, blue, red pens, pencils, mechanical pencils
- paper
loose leaf, spiral notebooks, plain (cheap) printer paper
- gum
orbit is my fav, but i'll take anything
- beef jerkey
- granola bars
- art supplies
crayons, colored pencils, stickers
- old magazines or newspapers
these can be anything from national geographic to time/newsweek to InStyle. they're nice to read for me, and I can use them in class.

i'm sure anything you think of will be fine too, and if there is anything specific I need, i will probably coordinate it through my family and let all y'all know.

love you guys!


Anonymous said...

One more time for those of us a little thick (ok, alot thick):
What address should we use to mail you packages?

Stay healthy,

Tony Schwalm

Maja K said...

The slow boat is on its way with goodies for you! Love you bunches,